Reserving A Company Name
Imagine this…
The day arrives that you’re ready to become a limited company and you find:
- The name you have been trading under for the last ‘x’ amount of years is not available
- Or worse still… someone else is trading with that name alrready
Losing that business name would mean:
- As a limited company you would have to be recognised under a completely new name
- Reputation will be lost
- Business referrals missed
- Confusion and inconvenience caused all around
Similar names for unincorporated companies are not authorised by Companies House and the laws governing this area are unclear.
We offer you the chance to reserve a company name ready for the day you decide to go limited, expand your company, incorporate a subsiduary or affiliate or trade under a new related company name.
We understand that not every firm will be looking to become incorporated immediately and even if you have no aspirations to become limited in the future – you can never predict what lays ahead.
If you reserve your company name with us we will automatically lock your name with Companies House and deal with any legal matters on an annual basis.
For more information and to order, please call our team on 0845 026 2460.